Aggregates Calculator
You can use our aggregates calculator below to work out the approximate cubic metres/feet of your work area as well as the tonnage of your chosen aggregate you would require. Please note our minimum delivery volume is 10 tonnes (loose deliveries only).
Disclaimer: Please ensure all measurements are accurate. Raymond Brown accepts no liability for the accuracy of information entered, or derived from using this calculator.
- The values in the calculation above are based on the exact measurments that were entered, there is no rounding up or down of the numbers, so we would advise you buy slightly more than is needed.
- Any area which you are filling, will not necessarily have a flat and level surface, so it may be best to overestimate rather than run short.
- If you are purchasing gravel for a driveway or any other high usage area we recommend you order extra so that once the drive has settled and compacted you can top up back to level.