Children from Fairisle Junior School visit Nursling Recycling Facility
Children from the local Fairisle School were invited by Raymond Brown to visit our Nursling Recycling Facility to learn about the site and how recycling affects the environment. The 94 children were split into four groups and taken around our site by coach learning about how the site recycles the material received and also given a classroom lesson on recycling.
Each coach was driven onto the weighbridge and two volunteers from each group were taken into the weighbridge office to sign for and receive a ticket to show their total weight, our Operations Director Tim O’Leary compared the weights to African Elephants to give the children an idea on scale.
The children in the classroom were given a recycling lesson and provided with cut out paper hands in several colours to write recycling messages on, they were then invited to stick them onto their own Recycling Tree to form a leaf effect which is on display in the site offices.
Tim O’Leary, Operations Director commented: “It was great to see the enthusiasm from the pupils taking part. It is so important to help the children understand the pressures on the environment, the world’s resources and the part that they can play in improving things for the future. It is also good to see them having fun whilst learning!”