Raymond Brown sell a 10mm Top Soil, 20mm Top Soil and a 12mm non-Certified Screened Soil which are available for delivery from 10 tonnes:
- 10mm BS3882:2015 Top Soil = A general purpose recycled manufactured topsoil, screened to 10mm and blended 80:20 with organic Eco Mix, peat-free, soil improver (PAS100 certified)
- 20mm BS3882:2015 Top Soil = A general purpose recycled manufactured topsoil, screened to 15-20mm and blended 80:20 with Eco Mix, peat-free, soil improver (PAS100 certified).
- 12mm Non-Certificated Screened Soil = We also offer a more financially effective 12mm Non – Certificated Screened Soil which has been put through a screening process. It is commonly used for landscaping and general fills.
Premium BS Top Soil Benefits
Our premium quality top soil is an 80:20 blend of selected soil and PAS100 organic matter, blended and screened to 10mm or 20mm. The end result produces a very high quality enriched top soil which is easy to use and maintain, as it contains a mature peat-free compost.
It is used for landscaping top soil, turfing top soil and top soil planting aspirations.
Our premium quality top soil is tested to a ‘BS3882:2015 quality standard’ and a copy of the test analysis is available on request.
For delivery or to order a sample, please contact us on 023 8027 3750.